Online Study Groups

Study Scripture and Our Catholic Faith on the go, anywhere.

Video Study Delivered Via Text


David the King:  Study by Bishop Robert Barron


David is the paradigmatic king in the Old Testament. His kingship recalls that of Adam in the Garden of Eden, and yet it points toward the King par excellence, Jesus Christ. In David the King, Bishop Barron helps us to understand this pivotal figure in light of the first king and the King of kings.

A series of six videos will be delivered to you IN ENGLISH via text (or email if you don’t have a mobile number set up on Flocknote), February 1—March 8.  This course is free to you, thanks to the generous donors who sponsored our parish’s Word on Fire ENGAGE subscription. 

To join, email


El Rey David: Un estudio del obispo Robert Barron


David es el rey paradigmático en el Antiguo Testamento. Su reinado se asemeja al de Adán en el Jardín del Edén, y sin embargo, señala al Rey por excelencia, Jesucristo. En David el Rey, el Obispo Barron nos ayuda a entender esta figura fundamental a la luz del primer rey y el Rey de reyes.

Se le enviará una serie de seis videos EN ESPAÑOL por correo electrónico o mensaje de texto, del 1 de febrero al 8 de marzo. Este curso es gratuito para usted, gracias a los generosos donantes que patrocinaron la suscripción de ENGAGE Word on Fire de nuestra parroquia.

Para unirse, envíe un mensaje de texto a David al 202-765-3441. Si tiene preguntas, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a Bersa Rojas al 925-262-7687.


Weekly Bible Study

Opening The Word

An On-Going Weekly Scripture Study

The Opening the Word Bible Study is a dynamic and exciting journey into the Sunday readings that will help you more deeply understand the Sunday readings, apply the teachings of the Word of God to your daily life, more deeply encounter Christ, and live your Catholic faith in a more powerful way.

Read the Scripture reflections in the Sunday bulletin.  Watch the short video. Share your responses to the discussion questions with a friend or in the parish online community.

Featuring a variety of experienced presenters including Dr. Tim Gray, Mary Healy, Scott Powell, Dr. Edward Sri and Ben Akers, the 52 videos are designed to facilitate thought and discussion for personal faith formation or in the context of a group meeting.


Join the Opening the Word Discussion Group