Funeral Ministry answers the call to fulfill two acts of mercy:
The Corporal Work of Mercy to bury the dead the Spiritual Work of Mercy to comfort the sorrowful and to pray for the living and the dead
Assists the family with planning the funeral liturgy
Designs a funeral program
Arrives 60-90 minutes early to prepare the church environment
Guides those who will participate in the funeral Mass
Welcomes family and friends of the deceased
Hands out programs and make tissues available
Restores the church back to order
Be a Catholic in good standing and a member of St Michael Church
Be available to help on select days Monday - Friday during the morning/afternoon for funeral Masses, evenings for Vigils
Be compassionate and intuitive, friendly and proffessioal
St Michael Church is diverse. We welcome ministry members who also speak Spanish, Filipino and Vietnamese.
Ministry members will be notified of upcoming funerals and will have the opportunity to sign up to assist
Provided! New members will partner with current members to shadow them