Founded in Paris in 1833, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is an international organization of lay Catholics
seeking spiritual growth through person-to-person service of the poor and marginalized, in whom we see the Face of Christ.
More questions, please contact our Help Desk line 925-758-0126 and leave voice mail. A Vincentian will call you back.
Want to Volunteer?
Contact us at 925-758-0126
St Vincent de Paul Help Desk
St Vincent de Paul volunteers are available to assist with requests for non-food aid.
We may be able to help with rent, utilities and other emergency assistance.
Need assistance? Contact: 925-758-0126
Tuesdays, 7:00 pm at the Food Locker Office, behind St Michael Church.
St Vincent de Paul Food Locker
At the back parking lot behind St Michael Church, 458 Maple Street
Mon, Tues, Thursday
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
4:00 pm -5:00 pm