Glorifying God Through Holiness and Service

Join the Legion of Mary’s Mission.

A Century of Faithful Service
Over 100 years of dedication to the Catholic Church and the Holy Trinity through a zealous devotion to the Blessed Mother.
International Catholic Association
Unite with a worldwide community devoted to serving God.
Path to Holiness
Grow in sanctity through prayer and collaboration with Mary and the Church.
Active Cooperation
Participate in Mary’s and the Church’s vital work to bring glory to God.

About the Ministry

The Largest Lay Apostolate Organization

The Legion of Mary is the world’s largest lay apostolate organization. Its primary purpose is to bring personal sanctification to its members and to lead others into a closer relationship with Jesus through Mary and His Church on earth. The Legion's mission is to glorify God through the holiness of its members, developed by prayer and active cooperation. Under ecclesiastical guidance, the Legion participates in Mary’s and the Church’s work of overcoming evil and advancing the reign of Christ.

The Spirit of the Legion

The spirit of the Legion of Mary is that of Mary herself. The Legion aspires to her profound humility, perfect obedience, angelic sweetness, continual prayer, universal mortification, spotless purity, heroic patience, heavenly wisdom, self-sacrificing and courageous love of God, and above all, her faith—a virtue uniquely found in its fullest extent in Mary and unsurpassed by any other.

To become a Legionary is to join Mary’s Army of Angels and Legionnaires. Legionaries strive to honor their great heavenly Queen through their loyalty, virtues, and courage. The Legion of Mary is organized on the model of an army, inspired by the ancient Roman army. However, the army and the weapons of Mary’s Legionaries are spiritual, not of this world.

The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, a term originally used by the Romans to refer to a detachment of the legion tasked with special duties, such as a section of a military line, a fortified post, or a garrison. Each praesidium is named after a title of Our Blessed Lady (e.g., Mother of Good Counsel), one of her privileges (e.g., The Immaculate Conception), or an event in her life (e.g., The Visitation).

A praesidium meets every week, following the procedures outlined in Chapter 18, Order of the Praesidium Meeting, of the Legion of Mary Handbook. Each praesidium has its own officers—President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer—and a priest as Spiritual Director.

St. Michael Catholic Church has five praesidia:

Praesidium Details Contact
Mary Help of Christians Meets Mondays at 7pm, alternately via Zoom and in person at the St. Michael Convent, 2nd Floor, Legion of Mary room (Saint Cecilia room)
Adult English
Ricardo Echon, 925-223-7790
Mother of Good Counsel Meets Fridays at 7pm in person at the St. Michael Convent, 2nd Floor, Legion of Mary room (Saint Cecilia room) and also via Zoom
Adult English
Joel Bautista, 925-216-3213
Estrella de la Manana Meets Wednesdays at 8 pm in person at the church's Family Room
Adult Spanish
Irene Moore, 925-493-1335
Mother of Mercy Meets Fridays at 4:30 pm in person in the Conference Room (next to the Adoration Chapel)
Youth English
Erleene Echon, 925-223-7791
Our Lady of Fatima Meets Sundays at 2pm via Zoom
Youth English
Elizabeth Bautista, 925-980-2932

* For Zoom meetings, please contact respective praesidia representatives.

Each praesidium is governed by a higher body called the Curia, which comprises multiple praesidia within a region. The next level of hierarchy after the Curia is the Comitium, a group of curiae. Both the Curia and Comitium are lower councils that report to a Senatus, typically the highest council within a country. In regions without a Senatus, a lower council called the Regia is established. The highest governing body of the Legion of Mary, to which all Senatus councils worldwide report, is the Concilium Legionis, based in Ireland, the Legion's founding country.

All the English praesidia at St. Michael's are under the Queen of Peace Curia, which is under the Oakland Comitium and the San Francisco Senatus. Below are diagrams showing the coverage of the San Francisco Senatus (not updated) and all the Senatus and Regia in the US.

SF Senatus Hierarchy

Senatus/Regia in the US



Works of the Legion

The Legion of Mary is dedicated to living out our faith and inviting others into communion with Jesus, our King, and His Kingdom on earth, the Church. Our works are a testament that encountering Jesus transforms lives, inspiring us to share His message of love and redemption.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, like Mary after her fiat, we respond eagerly to God’s call. Mary made haste to visit Elizabeth, and we, too, are driven to carry out the will of God through our actions in conversion, conservation, and consolation.

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We reach out to those seeking a deeper union with God, regardless of their faith background. Our mission is to evangelize and guide lapsed Catholics and seekers of truth, peace, and love towards a closer relationship with God.

Works include but not limited to: 

  • Door-to-Door Evangelization (Home Visitations)
  • Pro-Life Evangelization (sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics)
  • Promoting Catholicism (at fairs, farmers' markets, community events, etc.)
  • Dissemination of Catholic Literature (at bus depots, train stations, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc.)

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We aim to renew and invigorate the faith of Catholics, drawing them nearer to God. By encouraging family participation in prayer and service, we strengthen the bonds within our community. 

Works include but not limited to: 

  • Adult or Youth Faith Formation Support (teaching or assisting on CCD, OCIA groups)
  • Organizing and Leading Bible or Faith Study Groups (home-based small groups, church facility-based, or online)
  • Sacramental Preparation Support (assisting in preparing candidates to receive sacraments of baptism, confirmation, or marriage)
  • Assist in Parish & Diocesan Faith Enrichment Events and Initiatives (seminars, retreats, parish missions, conferences, exhibits, etc.) 


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We visit the sick, homebound, and those who suffer, bringing them the Good News of Christ. Through our presence and God’s love, we offer comfort and solace to those in need. 

Works include but not limited to:

  • Nursing or Care Facility and Hospital Visits
  • Visitation of People at Institutions of Any Kind  (jails, mental ward, retirement homes, handicapped facilities, etc.)
  • Eucharistic Ministry Home-bound Support (bringing communion to the sick and shut-ins)
  • Recruiting Members for Parish Organizations


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Many people can't make a pilgrimage to Fatima, so Our Lady humbly reverses the process by becoming the Pilgrim herself, visiting homes through the Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program.

This program involves inviting a statue of the Blessed Mother into your home, decorating a pedestal for her, and praying together as a family. It's a tradition cherished by many Catholics worldwide.

When was the program started?

The program began in 1947 when the Bishop blessed two statues of Our Lady of Fatima, sending one to the East and one to the West. In 1954, the Ambassadors of Mary started bringing Pilgrim Statues to homes in Chicago. By 1987, 190 statues were on pilgrimage across the country, marking the start of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue program.

Who runs the program?

Locally, this program is run by the Legion of Mary at St. Michael Catholic Church in Livermore, CA. The Legion is a global organization dedicated to promoting Marian prayers, Catholic faith, and discipleship under Our Lady's protection.

How does it work?

When a visit is arranged, Legion of Mary members bring the statue to the home, where the Rosary and other prayers are recited. The host family prepares a place for the statue and commits to prayer throughout the week. At the end of the visit, the Legion returns for a farewell ceremony and moves the statue to the next home.

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How does the Enthronement work?

Prepare: Before the ceremony, the family recites prayers to ready their hearts and home for the Consecration. They also set up an "altar" or "throne" for the images, which can be decorated with a cloth, flowers, and candles, and placed in a prominent area like a family room.

Receive: A clergy member and Legion of Mary members visit the home at the scheduled time to perform the Enthronement, which takes about 30 minutes.

Live: The family strives for holiness by seeking Jesus and Mary's guidance and renewing their Act of Consecration on special occasions like Feast days and anniversaries.

Is there a follow-up to an Enthronement?

Yes, by inviting Jesus into daily life as Friend and King. Family prayer, especially the rosary, and daily renewal of the Consecration help keep the Enthronement alive.

What is the daily renewal of Consecration?

A daily prayer to renew the family's pledge to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It can be a simple prayer from the heart, such as: "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give myself to You through Mary."

Do we have to say such long prayers?

At home: Be kind, read scripture, pray together, and keep flowers or candles at the "shrine." Outside: Attend Sunday Mass, frequent Confession, and Holy Communion, especially on First Fridays and Saturdays, and practice the works of mercy.

How much does it cost?

The service is free as part of Legion of Mary's charity and evangelization. We even provide a high-resolution image to participants, who only need to provide a picture frame.

Frank Duff Prayer Circle


How does the Frank Duff Prayer Circle work?

Submit your prayer request. Fill out the form in the “Request Prayer Intentions” section and wait for the email confirming the receipt of your request.

Prayer warriors will pray for you. The Frank Duff Prayer Circle, a prayer group within the Legion of Mary, will faithfully pray for your intention for 33 days.

Let us know of answered prayers: If your prayer is answered, we’d love to hear from you again! Share your testimony of God’s goodness and pay it forward by submitting a request for someone who needs prayers.

What will it cost me?

Nothing! Our allegiance to Mary enjoins us to help save souls and do work for others on our journey to sanctification!


2025 Legion Of Mary Retreat   Flyer Final
Acies 2025 - Queen Of Peace Tri Valley Curia
Feast Day Of Our Lady Of Good Counsel   April 2025
2025 Legion Of Mary Retreat   Flyer Final
Acies 2025 - Queen Of Peace Tri Valley Curia

Events Schedule

  • March  22 - ACIES

Details: St.Michael Large Hall, Livermore, CA (10am - 130pm) hosted by Queen of Peace Tri-Valley Curia (see flyer).

  • April 26 - Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel

Details: Saint Michael Convent Chapel and 1st Floor Conference Room, Livermore, CA (1030am - 130pm)

hosted by Saint Michael Parish Legion of Mary Mother of Good Counsel Praesidium (details to follow).

  • May 16 - 18 - Annual Retreat

Details: St. Clare's Retreat Center, Soquel, CA (10am - 2pm) coordinated by Oakland Comitium (see flyer for details).


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Request Prayer Intentions

Contact Us

To contact a specific person, find the list from About the Ministry > Legion of Mary @ St. Michael's.