“Those who say the Rosary frequently and fervently will gradually grow in grace and holiness and will enjoy the special protection of Our Lady and the abiding friendship of God.”
-Bishop Hugh Boyle
Every Day
6:15 am in the Church (English)
7:15 am online Teams meeting (English)
9:15 am in the Chapel (English)
8:00 pm reunión en línea de "Teams" (Español)
Monday - Friday
6:15 pm in the Chapel (English)
(in May and October, the evening Rosary will be held outside in the Courtyard)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena and Rosary
All are invited to participate in this devotional novena prayer meeting
6:00 pm in the Adoration Chapel and simulcast on Zoom (English)
4:30 pm in the Church (English)