Altar Servers

Let your child continue his/her Catholic growth in our church. We are inviting children who are going to receive their first communion to continue serving our church as altar servers.

Deje que su hijo/a continue su crecimento catolico en nuestra iglecia. Estamos invitando a los ninos que van a recibir su primera comunion a que sigan sirviendo a nuesra iglesia como monaguillos.


Altar Server commitment is flexible: serve at your preferred Mass and as frequently as you like.

El compromiso del monaguillo es flexible: sirva en su misa preferida y con la frecuencia que desee.


altar server



Students entering the third grade through high school this fall are invited to train to be altar servers at St Michael Catholic Church in Livermore.

Applicants must have received First Communion and attend both days:

Wednesday, July 10 at 1:00 pm and Monday, July 15 at 5:00 pm

Meet Jasmine in the Church.


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