The liturgy of the Church presupposes, integrates and sanctifies elements from creation and human culture, conferring on them the dignity of signs of grace, of the new creation in Jesus Christ.
Catechism of the Catholic Church #1150
Chamber Choir
Sings at 9:30 am or 11:00 am Sunday Mass (whichever is best for your personal schedule)
Adults and Teens
Rehearsals Thursdays, 7:15 pm SMS Music Room
Special Masses – Christmas, Easter and Holy Days of Obligation
Spanish Choir
Sings at the 7:00 Saturday or 12:30 pm Sunday Mass
Rehearsals Thursdays, 7:00 pm. In the Church, in the choir loft
Special Masses – Christmas, Easter and Holy Days of Obligation
Teen Choir
Sings at 5:00 pm Sunday Mass, 2nd and 4th Sundays
Children’s Choir
Open to children, K-8
Rehearsals Wednesdays, 2:00-3:15 pm SMS Music Room
Special Masses – Christmas, Easter and Holy Days of Obligation
Latin Choir
Sings at the 8:00 am Sunday Mass
Special Masses – Christmas, Easter and Holy Days of Obligation
Other Special Latin Masses
Trained Instrumentalists are also welcome in all choirs.
Special Events
All members of the various choirs come together to sing for the Opening of the House of the Dove, Caroling in Downtown Livermore and the Mardi Gras concert.
Proclaim the Sacred Scripture at Masses (opportunities available daily, Sunday and Holy Days)
Requirements: 18 years old, received Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion and Confirmation, married in the church (if married), attend Mass regularly, live according to church teachings
Training and resources provided
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
In addition to clergy, distribute the Body of Christ to the faithful during Mass.
Requirements: 18 years old, received Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion and Confirmation, married in the church (if married), attend Mass regularly, live according to church teachings
Training and resources provided
Altar Servers
Assist the priest and deacons at Mass
Open to students 4th grade and older who have received 1st Communion
Training and resources provided
Greet parishioners and guests as they arrive at Mass.
Assist with seating as needed
Perform the collection
Behind the Liturgy
Discover a deeper meaning behind the music and the liturgy.
Questions? Contact JaNet Hancock at Liturgy@StMichaelLivermore.com